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Regarding the handling of privacy information in "PEDALDIG" (hereinafter referred to as "this service"), we have established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy").

Article 1 (Privacy Information)

"Personal information" among privacy information refers to "personal information" as defined in the Personal Information Protection Act, which is information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual based on the name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact details, and other descriptions contained in the information.

Among privacy information, "history information and characteristic information" refers to information other than "personal information" as defined above, such as services used, products purchased, history of pages and advertisements viewed, search keywords used by members, date and time of use, method of use, usage environment, postal code, gender, occupation, age, member's IP address, cookie information, location information, and individual device identification information.

Article 2 (How privacy information is collected)

When a user registers for use, the Company may ask for personal information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, credit card number, etc. In addition, the Company may collect transaction records between the member and business partners, etc., including the member's personal information, and payment information from the Company's business partners (including information providers, advertisers, ad delivery destinations, etc., hereinafter referred to as "business partners").

We collect historical and characteristic information about members and users, such as services and software used, products purchased, history of pages and advertisements viewed, search keywords used, date and time of use, method of use, usage environment (including the communication status of the device in case of use via a mobile device and various setting information at the time of use), IP address, cookie information, location information, individual device identification information, etc., when members use our company's or our partner's services or view pages.

Article 3 (Purpose of collecting and using personal information)

The purposes for which we collect and use personal information are as follows:

  1. 会員に自分の登録情報の閲覧や修正、利用状況の閲覧を行っていただくために、氏名、住所、連絡先、支払方法などの登録情報、利用されたサービスや購入された商品、およびそれらの代金などに関する情報を表示する目的
  2. 会員にお知らせや連絡をするためにメールアドレスを利用する場合や会員に商品を送付したり必要に応じて連絡したりするため、氏名や住所などの連絡先情報を利用する目的
  3. 会員の本人確認を行うために、氏名、生年月日、住所、電話番号、銀行口座番号、クレジットカード番号、運転免許証番号、配達証明付き郵便の到達結果などの情報を利用する目的
  4. 会員に代金を請求するために、購入された商品名や数量、利用されたサービスの種類や期間、回数、請求金額、氏名、住所、銀行口座番号やクレジットカード番号などの支払に関する情報などを利用する目的
  5. 会員が簡便にデータを入力できるようにするために、当社に登録されている情報を入力画面に表示させたり、会員のご指示に基づいて他のサービスなど(提携先が提供するものも含みます)に転送したりする目的
  6. 代金の支払を遅滞したり第三者に損害を発生させたりするなど、本サービスの利用規約に違反した会員や、不正・不当な目的でサービスを利用しようとする会員の利用をお断りするために、利用態様、氏名や住所など個人を特定するための情報を利用する目的
  7. 会員からのお問い合わせに対応するために、お問い合わせ内容や代金の請求に関する情報など当社が会員に対してサービスを提供するにあたって必要となる情報や、会員のサービス利用状況、連絡先情報などを利用する目的
  8. 上記の利用目的に付随する目的

Article 4 (Provision of personal information to third parties)

Our company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the member, except in the following cases, unless permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.

A. When required by law

  1. 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  2. 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  3. 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき

B. When the following items have been notified or announced in advance:

  1. 利用目的に第三者への提供を含むこと
  2. 第三者に提供されるデータの項目
  3. 第三者への提供の手段または方法
  4. 本人の求めに応じて個人情報の第三者への提供を停止すること

Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the following cases shall not apply to third parties.

  1. 当社が利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いの全部または一部を委託する場合
  2. 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って個人情報が提供される場合
  3. 決済会社での本人確認、請求先確認及び与信調査のため決済会社に個人情報を開示する場合
  4. 個人情報を特定の者との間で共同して利用する場合であって、その旨並びに共同して利用される個人情報の項目、共同して利用する者の範囲、利用する者の利用目的および当該個人情報の管理について責任を有する者の氏名または名称について、あらかじめ本人に通知し、または本人が容易に知り得る状態に置いているとき

Article 5 (Disclosure of Personal Information)

When the individual requests disclosure of personal information, we will disclose it to that individual without delay. However, if disclosure would fall under any of the following, we may not disclose all or part of the information, and if we decide not to disclose it, we will notify that fact without delay. A fee of 1,000 yen will be charged for each disclosure of personal information.

  1. 本人または第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
  2. 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
  3. その他法令に違反することとなる場合

Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in principle we will not disclose information other than personal information, such as historical information and characteristic information.

Article 6 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information)

If a Member finds that the Personal Information held by the Company is incorrect, the Member may request that the Company correct or delete the Personal Information in accordance with the procedures established by the Company.

If we receive a request from a member as described in the preceding paragraph and determine that it is necessary to comply with the request, we will correct or delete the personal information without delay and notify the member of this.

Article 7 (Suspension of use of personal information, etc.)

If the Company receives a request from the individual to suspend or delete the use of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use, etc.") because the personal information is being handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use or has been obtained by wrongful means, the Company will conduct the necessary investigation without delay, and based on the results, suspend the use of the personal information and notify the individual to that effect. However, if suspending the use of personal information would require a large amount of money or it is otherwise difficult to suspend the use, etc., and if alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the individual can be taken, the Company will take these alternative measures.

Article 8 (Changes to the Privacy Policy)

The contents of this policy may be changed without notifying members.

Unless otherwise specified by our company, the revised Privacy Policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

Article 9 (Use of cookies for advertising purposes)

Our company may display advertisements delivered by third parties, including Yahoo Japan Corporation, and in connection with this, the third parties may collect and use cookie information, etc., of users who visit our site.

Cookie information, etc. acquired by the third party will be handled in accordance with the third party's privacy policy. Users can stop the third party from using cookie information, etc. for advertisement distribution by accessing the opt-out page on the third party's website.

Cookies are a mechanism for storing usage history and input information sent and received between the browser and server when using a web page as a file on the customer's computer. The next time the same page is accessed, the page operator can use the cookie information to change the display for each customer. If the customer has allowed cookies to be sent and received in the browser settings, the website can obtain cookies from the user's browser.

In order to protect your privacy, your browser will only send cookies that have been sent or received by the website's server. You can choose from settings regarding sending and receiving cookies, such as "Allow all cookies," "Reject all cookies," and "Notify user when receiving a cookie."

Setting methods vary depending on the browser. Please check the "Help" menu of your browser for cookie setting methods. Please note that if you select the setting to reject all cookies, you may be restricted in your use of various services on the Internet, such as being unable to receive services that require authentication.

Article 10 (Inquiries)

For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the following office:

